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Papp Miklós Levente

Papp Miklós Levente

Papp Miklós Levente még nem állította be az életrajzát

Here we are once again, this time the 11th International Tolkien Mailing Competition! This year we have opened the registration not just to any individual participant but also to teams of 2–5 people! 

Also, we have a theme for the whole competition: we welcome you in Minas Tirith! The competitors are trying to collect and organise the lore and history of the peoples of Middle-earth as lore-masters and scribes of King Elessar, during the first years of the Fourth Age.

And as we have already sent out the third round, let us share two writings from the first round!

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In the third round, the other creative task was to recreate your favourite Tolkien related art. We got some pretty good pics from you!

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In the first round, the competitors had to design two races' board games. They had to be easily rebuilt, or small enough, that anyone can carry them in their pockets.

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