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Tolkien Levelező Verseny

A Tolkien Levelező Verseny blogja.

The Tolkien Mailing Competition took place for the 15th time in this academic year, and it was international for the 8th time. We had 33 participants: from Australia, Austria, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Perú, Philippines, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK and USA. Here you can see the final results of those 13 who made through all 5 rounds of the competition.

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In the previous post you could read the stories told by Eärwen and Maglor, and here we present those told by Dís and Gaffer Gamgee. The only child from our original list who did not get a bedtime story became Éowyn. If anybody wants to write that (a story by Éomer), we would like to read (and perhaps publish) it, as well :)

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Story time! In the fourth round we have asked the participants to write bedtime stories. The story could be one told by Eärwen to Nerwen; by Maglor to Elros and Elrond; by Dís to Fíli and Kili; by Éomer to Éowyn; or by Gaffer Gamgee to Elanor; and it had to be suitable to the age and culture of the storyteller and the audience. Which option would you guess to be the most popular of these?

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In the third round, the other creative task was to recreate your favourite Tolkien related art. We got some pretty good pics from you!

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In the 3rd round of the Quendi competition, one of the creative tasks was the writing of 3 limericks. The people and places referred to had to be from Tolkien's works of fiction, and at least one of them from the first three ages of Middle-earth. We were amazed to find that Treebeard became the only character starring in more than one limerick!

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