The Lassi Laurië is the journal of the Hungarian Tolkien Society
Here you can read about its history and content, find out how to submit your work for publication and how to buy printed copies, and we have also included a list of related online content.
Official information
Publisher: Hungarian Tolkien Society (Magyar Tolkien Társaság)
Represented by the Chair of the Hungarian Tolkien Society: Adrienn Deák, Anna Mikesy, Dániel Sági-Kiss
Editor(s)-in-chief: Flóra Orthmayr (Metaflora), Szonja Selmeczi (Níniel-Nienor)
Editorial board: Tamás Bartók-Nagy (Toma), Róbert Derényi (Lóbelt), Máté Forgács (Hirannor Luinthôn), Dániel Karakas, Botond Pálfi (Tindómë), Anna Regina Sárközy (Snufi)
Contact: lassi[dot]szerkesztoseg[at]tolkien[dot]hu
ISSN 1589-6315 (print)
ISSN 2560-1598 (online)
The Lassi Laurië was started in 2002, the very first year of the Hungarian Tolkien Society. Although intended to become a quarterly publication, only in the year 2003 were three issues published. During the following decade one or two issues were made each year, depending on the availability of human and financial resources. Editor-in-chiefs were Csaba Királyházi (2002–2005), Anna Sándor (2005–2007), Orsolya Alapi and Dorottya Umann (2008–2009), Dániel Sági-Kiss (2010–2013) and Krisztina Sárdi (2014–2016). The current editor-in-chiefs (Flóra Orthmayr and Szonja Selmeczi) were first appointed in the summer of 2017. The next issue, dated 2016–2017 was the first to be published primarily online (in August 2017), and it was printed afterwards in October. Since then the Lassi Laurië continued to be published semi-annually, both online and in print. The digital edition is available for free download at the webpage of the Hungarian Tolkien Society and also in the Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database (EPA) of the Hungarian National Library.
The latest out is the January 2025 (XXII/1) issue, the next one is planned for the summer of 2025.
More details about the first twenty years of Lassi Laurië (in Hungarian) >>>
Since August 2020 we also have our own Facebook page which you can follow >>>
Every issue contains reports and photos of recent Hungarian Tolkien Society events and longer articles about the works and world of Tolkien. Regular columns are now: What’s on–Timeline (Krónika), What’s on–Stories (Beszámolók), Tolkien Studies (Tanulmányok, earlier: Ismeretterjesztő, Tudomány), Languages & Letters (Nyelvész), Interview (Interjú), Riddles (Talányok, earlier: Fejtörő), Reviews (Ajánló, earlier: Bemutató, Interaktív), Literature (Irodalom, earlier: Így írunk mi), Beginner’s Guide (Kisokos), and occasionally we have an In Memoriam (Megemlékezés) column in honour of both anniversaries and recent losses. In the early issues parodies also had their own column (Humor), now they are included in the Literature section. Artworks by participants of Tolkien Mailing Competitions and Art Competitions are generally used as illustrations. An English Summary page has been included in every issue since August 2014.
All English summary pages (as part of a compiled list): August 2014 (XII/2), January 2015 (XIII/1), August 2015 (XIII/2), 2016–2017 (XIV/1), January 2018 (XV/1), August 2018 (XV/2), January 2019 (XVI/1), July 2019 (XVI/2), January 2020 (XVII/1), July 2020 (XVII/2), January 2021 (XVIII/1), July 2021 (XVIII/2), January 2022 (XIX/1), July 2022 (XIX/2), January 2023 (XX/1), July 2023 (XX/2), January 2024 (XXI/1), July 2024 (XXI/2), January 2025 (XXII/1).
Some of these summary pages are also available from EPA as separate PDF files of the final publication: 2016–2017 (XIV/1), January 2018 (XV/1), August 2018 (XV/2), January 2019 (XVI/1), July 2019 (XVI/2), January 2020 (XVII/1), July 2020 (XVII/2), January 2021 (XVIII/1), July 2021 (XVIII/2).
General table of contents for all published issues is available here (in Hungarian) >>>
The first twenty issues (from October 2002 to August 2015) were only published in print (in 300-500 copies), and physical copies are still available (with one exception: January 2003 issue is sold out) for 300 HUF (less than 1 EUR) each, plus shipping costs (that can be the expensive part). If you wish to place an order or have related questions, please write to lassi[dot]rendeles[at]tolkien[dot]hu.
The sold out January 2003 (II/1) issue is digitised and available online here >>>
Since 2017 all issues are available online >>>
Online issues are also available in the Hungarian Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database >>>
Physical copies of almost all recent issues are also available, except XVIII/1&2 (January 2021 and July 2021). Prices vary (700-1200 HUF) and any issue may sell out quickly, as only 55-65 copies were printed of these.
Prices are listed in this article (in Hungarian) >>>
Wouldn't it be fun to have your Tolkien article printed in Hungarian?
Our main language of publication is Hungarian, but any contributions are welcome, including by authors who do not write in Hungarian. Submissions in foreign languages will be published in Hungarian translation. Translations from English are quite common, but we may be able to find translators for other languages, as well (for example, translations from Finnish and Spanish have been published before): just let us know in advance what language your submission would be in, and we will check whether a volunteer could be found to translate it.
Four columns are continuously open for submissions (by default works submitted between June and October are considered for the following winter issue and works submitted between December and April are considered for the following summer issue):
- What’s on–Stories: Personal reports about Tolkien-events, preferably also with connection to Hungary or the Hungarian Tolkien Society. Article length: 1 page.
- Tolkien Studies: Short articles, essays about Middle-earth and Tolkien themes. Informative overviews and researched theories are both welcome. While this is our most serious column, please keep in mind our general audience (varying in terms of age, Tolkien knowledge and academic background), so try to aim for both scholarly accuracy and accessible style. Article length: 2-6 pages.
- Languages & Letters: Any content related to the languages and writing systems invented or used by Tolkien. Besides articles fit for our Tolkien Studies column, annotated translations or teaching and practising materials are also welcome. Article length: 2-6 pages for articles, 1-4 pages for others.
- Reviews: Reviews of publications (books, websites, games), adaptations (music, films, theatre shows, art), ongoing events (exhibitions, public places), or anything Tolkien-related. Article length: 1 page.
We prefer submissions which have not been previously published, or are at least not available in English or Hungarian for the general public, but exceptions are possible, especially in case of special interest. In submitting an article to the Lassi Laurië, you accept that your work will be published both online (on our own webpage and in the EPA database) and in print (which means a non-profit, but commercial use), and in case of a previously unpublished article you grant the journal the full privileges of primary publication, without any material compensation. Besides these, for most intents and purposes you retain your full copyright to the material.
Artwork is also welcome, and we are especially grateful for artists who allow us the free use of their online galleries to find suitable illustrations for our articles.
Authors, artists and contributors are credited by their preferred name form, but the default form is Full Name (Nickname).
With submissions and questions contact the editors at lassi[dot]szerkesztoseg[at]tolkien[dot]hu.
General guidelines for authors (in Hungarian) >>>
Related online content in English
- An Unforgettable Adventure – Visiting the MTT 20 Events by Dimitrios Kolovos (Amandil) >>>
The Hungarian translation of this article (Egy feledhetetlen kaland) was published on page 9 in the July 2022 (XIX/2) issue.
- Visiting the Autumn Meeting 2018 by Ján Bakoš (Eruantalon) & Ondrej Majerník >>>
The Hungarian translation of this article (Őszi találkozó szlovák szemmel) was published on pages 8–9 in the January 2019 (XVI/1) issue.
- Interview with Allan Turner >>>
This interview was made by the Lassi Laurië team at the same time as the interview with Thomas M. Honegger (Tudományos rajongás) which was published on pages 10–11 in the August 2015 (XIII/2) issue.
- English translation of selected articles from March 2019 (PDF) >>>
These four articles of the March 2009 (VIII/1) issue were translated to English at the time of the publication, and included as extra pages in those copies which were presented to other Tolkien Societies visiting or inviting the Hungarian Tolkien Society.