Creative Autumn Meeting 2024

Join the Hungarian Tolkien Society in Seregélyes for the long weekend of our “Here is the horse and the rider!” Creative Autumn Meeting from 31 October to 3 November. This is a perfect opportunity to meet Hungarian Tolkienites, learn (or even teach) something new, and party in Middle-earth Halloween style together.


(Click here for the Hungarian article about the event.)


Creative Augumn Meeting 2024 Cover Image With Leaves, Horses and Rohirrim


The Creative Autumn Meeting (“CAM” or “KÖMT” in Hungarian) is usually attended by about a hundred people, mostly members of our community but also a few newcomers—including foreign guests, as traditionally this is our most international event. Since 2008 we have received guests from Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, and we hope to welcome many more!

Date: 31 October 2024 (Thursday) – 3 November 2024 (Sunday)

The event starts in the evening of Thursday, but workshops will be held only on Friday and Saturday, and no activities are planned for Sunday.

Place: Seregélyesi Baptista Általános Iskola és Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola (Primary School of Seregélyes)

H-8111 Seregélyes, Fő út 201.

Join the event on Facebook >>>


We have a Discord channel for this event on the server of the Hungarian Tolkien Society. Click here to join!

(The general discussion will be in Hungarian here, but feel free to drop any questions or comments in English.)


What is it like to visit the CAM as a foreigner? Read about the experience of our Slovak guests here >>>



The event will take place in the school building in Seregélyes (Google Maps: The travel from Budapest to the venue is about 1 hour by car and about 2 hours by bus/train. (If you use public transport, we are happy to help you with the planning and the transfer.) Basic accommodation is provided in the classrooms of the school, for which you need your own sleeping bag—bringing your own mattress is useful as well, but we can also provide some. We are also working on alternative accommodation options outside of the school for those who insist on sleeping on a bed for an extra fee.


Microwave, electric kettle and toaster will be available for those who would prefer to prepare their own food. You will be able to order in advance some of the meals, details coming soon!


We open on Thursday evening with a Rohanised Halloween Ball (yes, that means waltz and costumes, but neither is compulsory).

The main programme on Friday and Saturday (1–2 November) will consist of various workshops: Tolkienite or creative or sporty or anything the participants know about and want to share. The basic language of the programme is Hungarian, but we will try to help with translation to English wherever it is possible.

You are also very welcome to lead your own workshop! Crafts, sports, introducing your own society etc. Contact us (via e-mail or Discord, see below), if you have any ideas for this.

Besides the workshops, there will be various evening activities: board games, karaoke, show night and party. Details coming soon!

Sunday morning is for tidying up and leaving the school (organised transport for the train expected around noontime). But if you want to stay the day in Hungary, we can help with some Budapest touristing for the evening, just ask.


“Here is the horse and the rider!”

It is the three thousand and tenth year of the Third Age, and King Théoden calls you to the Mark of the Riders for a double celebration.

One thousand years have passed since the brave Fram slew Scatha, the terrible dragon of Ered Mithrin. He returned from this adventure not only with great fame but also with the treasures of the dragon, some part of which is still hidden: no one knows where.

But we are also celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Mark: five hundred years ago, Eorl the Young led his people to the aid of Gondor, gained the victory at the Field of Celebrant, and received the lands of Calenardhon in return.

And the autumn is also a time of general reminiscence, so the Rohirrim gathered here remember not only these famous victories, but all their noble ancestors, and recall the world of the unseen in these days, when the dead are a bit closer to the living, and the figures of the forgotten past walk among us.


The main programme of any Creative Autumn Meeting consists of various workshops: Tolkienite or creative or sporty or anything the participants know about and want to share. The call for workshops is now open (until 30 September), and you are very welcome to add anything of your own.

Let us know if you have any workshops to offer! (See contact details below.)

There will be four “long” workshops (3 hours) on Friday and Saturday morning and afternoon. We are also planning “short” workshops (1-1.5 hour) which can happen either Friday morning (parallel with the long ones) or in the Friday evening (parallel with some social activities).

Workshops can also consist of more sessions (2, 3 or 4 times 3 hours), in this case you have to choose to join all continuous sessions or none. Workshops for which special equipment or ingredients are needed will have an extra fee, this information is always provided in the workshop description.

As soon as the programme is final, you will be able (and expected) to choose in advance the workshops you would like to join, and in time, as usually many of them have a strict limit for the maximum number of participants.


This article will be regularly updated with more details about workshops and other important information. But in case you are planning to join us (or have any questions), please contact Metaflora (at metaflora[at]tolkien[dot]hu) or just drop a message in our Discord channel.



Utoljára frissítve: kedd, 24 szeptember 2024 15:46

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