The Organisers of the Quendi category.
- Betűméret: Nagyobb Kisebb
- 4803 megjelenés
- 0 hozzászólás
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Hi! Here you can read about the leaders of the international Quendi category!
My name is dr. Lívia Iván, alias Galendae. I'm a veterinarian working at a small animal clinic. I first participated in the mailing competition in 2007, in a secondary school team. As the individual categories appeared, I competed a few years in the English versions before appearing as the organiser of the Quendi category.
Hello everyone! I'm Daniel Karakas, a 22 years old programmer and long-time Tolkien fan currently living in Budapest. I came in touch with the Hungarian Tolkien Society during my university years, and since then I'm trying to participate in all events organized by this community. This is my second year as a member of the team responsible for this mailing competition. Last year I wrote tasks for the Dúnadan category, but now I'm helping out in Quendi. I hope this competition will be a great experience for all of you, and by it you will find out more about the vast and immersive lore left behid by the Professor himself.
Hello! My real name is Eva Zahradníková, and I'm from Slovakia. I am a researcher and teacher of botany at a univerity (I study the ageing and longevity of trees), and also a historical fencer and writer (I hope), in the stage of editing my fantasy saga that I hope to publish. I'm married and have a beautiful daughter that was born this year.