Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

21 éve 6 hónapja #104897 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Rago!!! Tudod, hogy szívesen csinálom! És (off) felvételizek angolból, csak hogy szépen el tudjak majd beszélgetni Viggel, ha arra kerül a sor (off) vége, úgyhogy más angol nyelvű szövegeit is jó néven veszem! Írjatok bátran!!! :D

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104885 Írta: Ragoran
Ragoran válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Undi:Na nem azért mondtam,csak érdekelne,hogy mi van a cikkben.
Ez a fulladás engem is meglepett! Mondjuk,hogy lehet oan lüke,hogy nehéz cuccokban vízbe pottyan!? Na ezt nem komolyan mondtam,de télleg vigyáznia kéne magára! :wink:

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104879 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Jajjj, Agoura, én ezt az oldalt nem is ismertem! Az Empire-dolog világos volt, de ez a fulladás...

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104861 Írta: Ragoran
Ragoran válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

Narië írta: Újabban a tini magazinok rászálltak Vigre :?

Én nem sajnálom! :wink:

Augustíne írta: A következő Bravoban lesz róla 1 1 oldalas cikk (a német Bravoban is volt januárban!) :arrow: Ha uazok a képek lesznek benne, mint a német Bravoban, akkor nagyon érdemes lesz +venni!!!

a köv Bravo meik? :oops: mmint meik havi?

Ago: az oldal szuper,nekem a fulladásos sztori volt új!

Aug:Eddig jól néz ki,még töltögeti.(a videnyót)

Undi:hmmm..bérelni kéne vkit aki fordít!! :lol:

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104855 Írta: Saczy
Saczy válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
én belehalnék, ha azt hallanám minden sarkon, hogy jaj viggo így...viggo úgy....jaj de lefeküdnék vele....stb......
igen orlinál már mindegy....... :D

Elen síla lúmenn omentilelvo!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104789 Írta: Agoura
Agoura válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
(Ez az oldal nekem sok újdonságot tartalmazott,de lehet,hogy ti ismeritek :look: )

A nővérem tud olaszul,talán le tudja fordítani a cikket :roll:
Szerintem is Vig maradjon olyan,mint most,így a legjobb 8)

Mesés kaland az élet,s benne a legnagyobb rejtély Te vagy!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104753 Írta: Augustíne
Augustíne válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Én csak azt nem szeretném, hogy úgy sikongassanak nála is a csajok, mint Brad Pittnél. (Orlinál sem szeretném, de nála már asszem mind1. (Meg hát ezzel az erővel Vignél is... ) :arrow: Bagoly mondja... :wink: :roll: :D ))

ORLANDO 4ever!!!! :mrgreen:

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #104689 Írta: Minerva
Minerva válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

kriszana írta: Nem hiszem, hogy attól kellene tartannk, hogy Viggo olyan lesz, mint Brad Pitt. Egyszeru´´en nem azaz alkat. Sosem lesz olyan. Soha nem lesz "valódi" szupersztár. És- mi tagadás - ennek nagyon örülök.

Szerintem az tök jó lenne, ha ugyanúgy sztárolnák (legalább sokat olvashatnánk róla 8) ), de úgysem fogja hagyni magát :D De nem baj, mi azért így is szeretjük. :D Annak viszont én is nagyon örülök hogy nem lesz olyan, mint Bard Pitt (fúj). :wink:

"Kard vagyok a sötétségben! A falak őre vagyok! A tűz vagyok, amely elűzi a hideget! A fény, amely elhozza a hajnalt! A kürt, amely felébreszti az alvókat!"

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104688 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
'Lord of the Rings' star comes home to St. Lawrence with films, photos, poetry

By David P. DeMar, Jr.

In an introduction to his 1998 collection of paintings, poetry and photography titled Recent Forgeries, artist and actor Viggo Mortensen notes, "Even if you produce stuff that's interesting to nobody but yourself, the activity justifies itself.

"Making things is a way of finding out."

North country fans of the film star and former Watertown resident will be introduced to other sides of his talents for the first time locally when he returns to his college alma mater next weekend. The exhibition Signlanguage: Photographs by Viggo Mortensen opens Friday at St. Lawrence University in Canton with receptions from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 and 9 p.m. to 10 in the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery.

Saturday events begin with a poetry reading by the 1980 SLU graduate at 2:30 p.m. in Gulick Theatre, followed by four hours of book signings starting at 3 p.m. at the gallery. Two screenings of the extended version of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring are offered that evening, each with introductory remarks by Mr. Mortensen.

According to Macreena A. Doyle of the Office of University Communications, plans to bring Viggo Mortensen back to campus were in the works well before his role as Aragorn in the ongoing Rings trilogy brought him to international fame. "We had been talking with him for quite a long time, actually," she said. "And it was a matter of figuring out a schedule that fit both the gallery and his schedules, because he wanted to be here for at least part of it."

The exhibition continues in Canton through April 5.

In a December interview in these pages, Viggo Mortensen noted that recent film shootings including the forthcoming Hidalgo have left little time for other artistic pursuits. He said from somewhere in South Dakota, "That's been a bit of a problem. But I have done a lot of photography in the past few months."

Said Ms. Doyle, "Anyone who's familiar with how films get made knows that schedules are fluid to say the least. This has necessitated a lot of flexibility by both parties. So we're especially pleased that everything is coming together as it is."

Also along the way, "People at the university have been in touch with him over the years, and with the galleries where he shows his work regularly, and the person who acts as his art agent. We've been communicating with them for several years."

Given Viggo Mortensen's recent recognizability from TV promos for The Two Towers to a new line of Valentine's Day cards, officials at St. Lawrence have taken every step to ensure that as many people as possible will have a chance to see the school's most famous film star alumnus since Kirk Douglas, while avoiding mob scenes.

"We know there's a lot of interest," Macreena Doyle said. "We certainly know that."

"We came up with this plan, and we think it will work." It includes a limit of two free tickets for any one person for one event only, and tickets must be obtained in person at the main desk at the E.J. Noble University Center on a first-come, first-served basis. Identification is required, no phone requests will be taken, no tickets will be mailed, and no waiting list will be established.

Also certain is that many of those interested had little or no idea who Viggo Mortensen was before The Lord of the Rings, and may never have been to an art gallery, poetry reading, or photo exhibition.

"I would say that that's a very accurate statement," she said.

"As you know, the galleries where he shows his art have encountered just that issue. It has been somewhat common in the past few years - even before The Lord of the Rings' movies. The Web sites for those galleries have very clear statements like, 'A note to Viggo's fans - This is about his artwork.' So this is something he's had to deal with."

At Saturday's book signing, she said, "There will be a variety of his books available for purchase. Some are just photos, and some are a combination of photos, paintings and poetry."

Screenings of The Fellowship of the Ring that evening begin at 7:30 p.m. in Gulick Theatre, and at 7:45 p.m. in The Underground. Both are located in the E.J. Noble University Center.

"We anticipate great interest in that. He was very interested in having this extended version of the film shown, and he wanted to say a little about it and the making of it and so forth."

In the end, Ms. Doyle said, "This is a big event. It's something we've wanted to do for a long time, and we're glad that it's something he's wanted to do for a long time. One of the things that's really nice about this is that he is so very well-known now for his film career, and particularly for The Lord of the Rings. But a lot of people don't know about his other career as an artist, photographer, and poet. So we're very proud to be able to help people know that other side of him.

"We've certainly been getting a lot of interest in this from folks all over the place, which is great," she said. "We're always happy to showcase a successful alumnus. And having one who's from this area is great, too."

Én is szeretnék arra az egyetemre járni!!!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104488 Írta: Augustíne
Augustíne válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Interjú Viggoval!!!!: ... rview.html

Narie: Hát, igen! Egy ilyen pasinál ez előbb-utóbb várható volt... :wink:
Amúgy engem is érdekelne a cikk (MAGYARUL!) :D
Undómiel: az a 3. kép: 8O - Nagyon Viggos! :P

ORLANDO 4ever!!!! :mrgreen:

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104443 Írta: Narië
Narië válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hmm....a képek egy picit hasonlítanak a januári cinemásokra,nem?ja és nincs itt valaki,aki tud olaszul?már nagyon kezd érdekelni a tartalma...


No more blood for oil!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104390 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Mr Anticeleb az olasz Max magazinban. Azt hiszem, januári a szám, először az újság linkje volt megadva... Ez olyan olasz CKM lehet... Szóval le voltam döbbenve és a Vigről szóló írást sehol nem találtam...

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104348 Írta: Narië
Narië válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hálisten a magyar bravo nem veszi a fáradtságot,hogy új képet keressen,szóval sztem naon megéri majd...
Újabban a tini magazinok rászálltak Vigre :?


No more blood for oil!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104337 Írta: Augustíne
Augustíne válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

Sorel írta: És a magyar újságok is tele lesznek vele?

A következő Bravoban lesz róla 1 1 oldalas cikk (a német Bravoban is volt januárban!) :arrow: Ha uazok a képek lesznek benne, mint a német Bravoban, akkor nagyon érdemes lesz +venni!!!

ORLANDO 4ever!!!! :mrgreen:

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #104331 Írta: Saczy
Saczy válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
hát ajánlom neki hogy ne legyen olyan mint brad pitt......ő más fajta pasi...

Elen síla lúmenn omentilelvo!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104313 Írta: kriszana
kriszana válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

Sorel írta: Ez igaz, Kriszana, te voltál Indián vér-ügyben a felbujtó. És teljesen igazad volt!!!!
Döbbenettel néztem, hogy Viggót valoban a legszexisebb sztárnak választották.
Lehet, hogy jövőre olyan híres lesz mint mondjuk Brad Pitt vagy George Cloony? És a magyar újságok is tele lesznek vele?

Nem hiszem, hogy attól kellene tartannk, hogy Viggo olyan lesz, mint Brad Pitt. Egyszerűen nem azaz alkat. Sosem lesz olyan. Soha nem lesz "valódi" szupersztár. És- mi tagadás - ennek nagyon örülök.

"There is only one journey. Going inside yourself." (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #104295 Írta: Sorel
Sorel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Ez igaz, Kriszana, te voltál Indián vér-ügyben a felbujtó. És teljesen igazad volt!!!!

Döbbenettel néztem, hogy Viggót valoban a legszexisebb sztárnak választották.

Lehet, hogy jövőre olyan híres lesz mint mondjuk Brad Pitt vagy George Cloony? És a magyar újságok is tele lesznek vele?

Egyébként Undi, tényleg nagyon hasznos és jó az a cikk, valóban le kéne fordítani. Ha lenne időm... Nem csak azt mondja el pl. hogy mi van a Borgia című filmmel, hanem párhuzamba állítja a Gyűrű háborút a jelenlegi (Irak) helyzettel. Érdemes elolvasni...

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104104 Írta: kriszana
kriszana válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Éljen, éljen, éljen! Tudtam, hogy nem hiába fáradoztunk! :wink:
Cassie, én már majd' egy éve mondom, hogy az Indián vér nagyon jó film! És tényleg kötelező mindenkinek :!:
Örülök,hogy végre valaki vette fradtságot é megnézte. A többieknek eddig hiába magyaráztam, hogy hol találják meg... :nono:

"There is only one journey. Going inside yourself." (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #104036 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Megnyerte!!! De mennyire! ... re/1707638

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21 éve 6 hónapja #104000 Írta: Cassie
Cassie válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hú,emberek!Ez nem volt semmi!Most láttam az Indián vér-t!Csak csatlakozni tudok Narie-hoz és Sorel-hez,mert Viggo tényleg Khirály benne! 8) Azt ajánlom mindenki nézze meg,mert egy nagyon jó film! :wink:

kriszana:KÖSZI!KÖSZI!KÖSZI!z Odenba beiratkoztam és lám,máris ki tudtam kapni az Indián vér-t!Ezerszer köszi a címet!

U.i:Amúgy megnézetma honlapját( )és egészjó ikis listát találtam Viggo filmjei közül... :!:

" The greatest thing you'll ever learn os just to love and be loved in return."

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21 éve 6 hónapja #103905 Írta: Adelard
Adelard válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Kriszana, Hódica:

Adelard írta: egyébként én már láttam a 28 napot a debreceni tali előtt is, sőt fel is van véve de azért szívesen megnézném még egyszer :D

Amúgy köszi az ajánlatot Krisz de ez már megvan :)
sőt a Vanishing Point-ot(Száguldás a semmibe) is láttam, télleg nagyon jó film! Rago nézd meg te is mégegyszer, mert az a "csákó" aki padlógázzal belehajt az úttorlaszba(télleg így van egyébként) az Viggo és irtó helyes benne(csak kár hogy folyton napszemüveg van rajta :( :) )

Caress the one
The never-fading rain in your heart
The tears of snow-white sorrow

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #103770 Írta: Minerva
Minerva válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hú, csajok, de rég voltam itt... Kicsit offolok: bocsi a késésért, de tudjátok, érettségi meg minden... bár inkább a chaten ülök... :oops:

Valami hír Vigről? Csajok stb. ? Új filmek? Hmmm?

Lusta vok visszaolvasni 30 oldalt... :roll: Bocsi... :)
Na, h vmi on is legyen, itt egy manga kép: ... ay0203.jpg

Enjoy! :D

"Kard vagyok a sötétségben! A falak őre vagyok! A tűz vagyok, amely elűzi a hideget! A fény, amely elhozza a hajnalt! A kürt, amely felébreszti az alvókat!"

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #103754 Írta: Ragoran
Ragoran válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Undi:Úristen! 8O
Vki Lmondaná miről szól? :oops:

Erika:Üdvözöllek körünkben,bár én még nem "ismerlek" látom többen igen :wink:
Indián vér miről szól?Keressek róla vmit?

A Száguldás..-t én asszem láttam,de akkor még nem is hallottam Vigről.. :roll: Annak az a vége,hogy a csákó padló-gázzal belehajt az út-torlaszba?
V nem? :oops:

képek: ... ragorn.jpg ... angorn.jpg ... angorn.jpg

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #103741 Írta: Narië
Narië válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hú,Undi,ez naon jó!!
N. szimpatikusak a politikai ézetei is,bár azért kíváncsi lennék,hogy ezekre miket reagáltak az amerikai bácsik...


No more blood for oil!

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #103717 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hogy még jobban! És ez még csak a kezdet!

An interview with Viggo Mortensen
By Noemi Miranda, La Tercera, CHILE.

Q: First, lets talk about your role on Lord of the Rings (LOTR), what moved you to participate in the film?
Lets see, they called me one day and I had to answer almost immediately. It was not easy. I didn't take the role because it was a great production that was going to have important success, because no one knew in that moment what was going to happen, we just knew it when the first part was released.
I don't accept a role because of those reasons, I accept them because of the challenge they implies, because I'm going to learn something. If I have money and I can be more selective, I take some time to decide about a role, but when I don't have money enough, well, I live like many other actors that have to take what is offered to them, take any job and, as I do, do the best you can with the role you have.

Q: Was your economic situation difficult when you accepted to play Aragorn?
Mmm, no, and I could decide to not do the film, stay with my son, and do other things. But I thought it was interesting based on what Peter Jackson and my son told me. At the end, I thought that if didn't take it I was going to be... I couldn't have known what I would have done, how would that be, do you understand me?.

Q: Perfectly. Can you tell me what was more interesting to you about your character or his evolution through the film?
There's something I liked about Aragorn and I still do. It has relation with the lack of information we face today: for instance, if you were Chilean in 1972 and 1973 and posterior years, what really happened wasn't what you could see in the media in your country. Today you could think that you have a greater chance to know what is happening, with the internet and that, but the truth is the governments have managed really well to hide what is happening. That's the reason because I like Aragorn: he makes an effort to understand other people, other countries, other races, and uses his knowledge about the history and cultures of Middle Earth (like the people of Rohan) to understand them and doesn't act without thinking, but he makes an effort to understand. He has doubts, sometimes he feels fear, but he accepts he feels it.
I compare him with the character of Boromir, played by Sean Bean. Boromir thinks he knows how the things must be done, he acts impetuously, something like the US government: it's white or black, you're with us or against us, there's no space for thinking or to discuss how the things are in Afghanistan, Iraq, or other places.
At the end, Boromir realizes that the situation is more complicated and, well, that is good that Aragorn has doubts. He understands that they have to do some efforts to understand the enemies, the friends and -beyond all- ourselves. And that's something I'm deeply interested in.

Q: I want to use what you said, about the position of USA against countries as Iraq or Afghanistan. Recently you went to an interview with a T-Shirt that said NO BLOOD FOR OIL... have you had problems because of that?
No, I don't have doubts about what I think and although I know that wearing such a T-Shirt can be provocative, for me the problem that moved me to paint on that shirt those words and wear it in that TV interview was that I was getting tired of listening how the media compared -because it's easy to do- LOTR, my character and the other of the Fellowship with USA and its position against the "bad guys" in the world. There's no reason to compare, but if it's going to be a comparison, then let's do it right: those that stands in Helm's Deep, in the fortress, defending their people, with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and the King Théoden, they seem to me to be more like the civilian in Afghanistan and Irak that don't know why they are being attacked day after day.
Also I was criticized because my position, after September 11, was more critical. I have nothing against reaction: to investigate, to look for and capture only the responsible, to look to yourself and ask yourself why they are doing this to you. But for an entire year we continue releasing bombs over people, destroying cities and villages, killing more innocents than the number that was killed on WTC. And I was born on NY! It hurt me and I did want the government do something, but not that, that's not good. We are not doing things that are going to make Americans more loved by the rest of the world.
Besides, it bothers me being criticized for saying what I think, it bothers me not being permitted to talk about what we think, not to criticize the situation, I think it's dangerous. Here there're doubts, people ask to themselves, but government goes ahead as if it were obvious that they must attack and keep on attacking. I think it's healthier to think a little... Hey, but don't think I want to follow a career as politics commentator or something like that...

Q: Viggo for Senator?
No!, no, (laughs), see, when someone says something against them and wants to discuss the situation, they say to you "you're an actor, a school teacher, a student, you don't have to talk about politics; let's us to talk about this". I think everybody has the right to make questions about the moral life of their countries, you know? And its dangerous to deny or to persecute because of that. People were saying that in LOTR good guys were the Americans and the 10.000 that come to attack us were all the bad and ugly guys of the world, but it perfectly can be all the contraire. I don't want to talk more about this, please.

Q. Ok, let's return to LOTR. When you arrived to New Zealand, what was the first thing you had to do?
The first was to start practice with the swords, the tongues and the Elvish, a wonderful language. The first thing they did was to handle me a sword, they said to me "move it" because I had to so a scene with swords so I had to learn quickly. It helped me a lot had to do something physical to integrate faster. That was good, because, finally, Aragorn doesn't say much with words, his gestures, acts and reactions speak more for him than his words, not like Gandalf or Frodo, with them, their words speak for them.

Q: What do you remember most?
Now, in this moment, and almost all the time, what I see in my mind is the landscape, New Zealand's nature. We filmed in rivers, forests, inside the rivers! I think for Tolkien nature was another character and, as for him, in the movie Nature is another role, just like the rest of us. That caused an echo on me, Aragorn having a connection so important with Nature. He is a man that has lived in the wild, he has some abilities because of his race which allows him to understands not only the languages of the people of Middle-earth, but also the languages of animals, birds and environment.

Q If I ask you what you think about the rest of the cast, what is the first thing that comes to your mind if I name you, for instance, Sean Bean?
He's a terrific actor, and a good friend, very good companion, the best possible. We had really good connection, and I think that helped us to develop our roles. We shared a lot and the truth is I miss him a lot. I think that you can feel the connection on the film, we will see it more in, well, I cannot tell you how, but there will be some flask back, some really good stuff in the third part. But his work has ended with us and I miss him. A good friend. I don't know if he's going to travel to NZ this year, when we go to do some more shooting in may or June, when we are going to film some more and finish the things well.
The rest of the team was incredible, I couldn’t talk more about one or the other, because we were really good team mates, they are actors with great talent and take a full commitment. We were together for so long, we lived such difficult times, that bonds were created we will never forget. I feel it's going to be forever, when we will see each other, in the future, always will be special, more profound than what you get with other team. We love each other...

Among the arts

Q: What does your work offer you as an artist?
It’s another way to express myself. Yes, it offers me resources to do other things too, it allows me to have time, but these last two years I've been working so much with the films, with the promotion, and I have settled and publishing company called Perceval Press and we have planned to release six or seven more books this year.

Q What is the goal of Perceval Press?
To offer the public through the internet information about books, ideas, art, poetry, things that can be really interesting but you cannot see normally. We are going to release a book about art in Cuba in the last 20 years. Not in the US nor in the rest of the world is it known what they do there. Despite the lack of resources there's a rich artistic life in Cuba and I've seen images I have liked a lot and I would like to share with other people. You know? Are like gifts, it seems good to me to give you a present you are going to like, that I know you would like to receive. I like being able with Perceval to offer things I imagine I and others would like to receive as presents.

Q: You do different things: you paint, write poetry, take pictures, and act. Do all your works seduce you with the same intensity or there's one that captivates you more than the other?
Someone said sometime that history shows us what is and what was, and Art shows us what could or should be. I don't know. I don't separate; I don't make distinctions among the art of cinema, writing or painting. I realize that in the cinema I provide a small part of the work and the director takes my contribution with all the work of the other people to build his/her own art work. In painting, photography and poetry, the process and the results belong only to me.

Q: Is there any subject, topic, motif, which moves you more deeply in your art?
Mmm, no, no particularlly. I don't start to paint with a previous idea, nor I get my chamera to make a particular image... it's like a conversation, you don't know what is going to emerge.

Q: About your work in cine, in some moment you rejected a role in Borgia, was it formally offered to you or were only rumors?
They offered to me formally, but the problem is... see, it's still not done. Maybe is not going to be done, or at least not for now. After finishing LOTR I didn't work almost by two years. In 2002 they offered me Borgia, but it wasn't ready to be shot. The script was very good, very interesting, and I read a lot about Italy, it's story, because it was very attractive for me to know more about that Spanish family living in Italy in such a particular situation and that time period. Besides, Neil Jordan as director... I liked the idea a lot, I really wanted to do it, but I knew it wasn't economically financed and I couldn't wait more. I had to leave it. I didn't want to, but I tried to leave it with respect, because I like Neil Jordan and I like the script. If it's going to be done, I would love to do it. Around July of 2002 Hidalgo was offered to me, and I started working.

Q: How is Hidalgo?
It is an interesting story about a man that existed and based mostly in real facts that happened around 1880. What I like is most part of the story is about a man born and raised in US that travels to Arab to be in a horse race. Its not like in the big movies, that when an American goes to a foreign country is to explain them how to do the things correctly, the "good American way" politically and culturally, or to kill them and destroy them. I was interested in this story because it was about a man that goes to a place he doesn't know well, with his horse, and returns to his country maybe changed a little bit. We are finishing it by now. Other part of the story takes place in the west, with natives, and some parts of their culture is shown in a way never seen before. Also you will see the massacre of Wounded Knee from a different perspective. And natives and Arabians speak their own languages, not English, which I think is very healthy for the audience.

Talking about Viggo
Q: I know you like maté a lot, do you have any by your side? (note: this is an herbal beverage, similar to tea)
No, I didn't bring my maté.

Q: Can you tell me where you are now?
... no ... (hidden smile)

Q: Can you describe to me where you are?
I'm in the car, because I had to charge (reload) the cell phone in the car to call you. I'm visiting a friend and I forgot the maté, but tomorrow I'm going to be at home and there I will have it...

Q: And the place you're in?
(Laughs soflty). It's in the mountains, there's a beautiful blue sky, the sun is shining, it's cold, some great trees around and snow, it's cold... there's a coffee by my side, cold, it's cold, you know?

Q: You're not going to make me feel guilty...
I know (laughs)

Q: How do you take your maté?
Bitter, but sometimes, when I want to spoil myself, I add some honey to it.

Q: How do you remember your life in Argentina?
The memories I have are those of a kid, see?, I left when I was 11, but I have tried to follow what happens there, I listen some Argentinean music, but certainly the images I have are different from those that a person living there has. I feel very sad about what is happening there... I want to go soon.

Q: Did you visit Chile?
Yes, I did, Chile is very pretty, I have really beautiful memories of the southern zone. When I arrived to New Zealand, the landscape surprised me a lot, it reminded me a lot the south of Chile and Argentina. Weather is also very similar. Maybe that's the reason because I felt so comfortable in NZ. I visited Chile a couple of times, I went to Santiago, to the coast and to the mountains, I went to sky once. I remember once we traveled by train and we had to stop a lot because there was much snow on the rails. Other times we went in car from Mendoza. I remember the first time it surprised me a
lot the way you speak Spanish, I had learned Spanish in Argentina and I thought everybody spoke the same way, but no... so the first time I listened Spanish in Chile it was so strange, I'd never heard talking Spanish like that.

Q: Do you want to visit again?
Yes, maybe... (laughs)

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21 éve 6 hónapja #103713 Írta: Undómiel
Undómiel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Hogy az angolul tudók örüljenek!

Don't look for analogies in 'Rings,' says Mortensen
"Lord of the Rings" star Viggo Mortensen

TOKYO — Wherever actor Viggo Mortensen goes, people ask him about the analogy between the U.S. fight against terrorism and the epic battle between good and evil in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. The comparison has received a lot of press particularly in the U.S. where some have even gone so far as to suggest Christopher Lee's character — the evil Lord Saruman — looks like Osama bin Laden (does that mean George W Bush is Gandalf?).
During a recent visit to Japan to promote "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers," the second in the series, the 44-year-old Mortensen was ready for the question, sporting a T-shirt in Japanese that read "No more blood for oil." His co-star, New Zealand actor Karl Urban, who showed up with him, had peace symbols stitched all over his jacket.
"I have not done this sort of thing in connection with one of my movies before, but I don't like my work being misinterpreted," Mortensen said, speaking slowly, sometimes almost inaudibly. "Tolkien wrote the stories during World War II and he himself said then that it shouldn't be seen as a comparison to the war. It is no more allegorical now. It bothered me, so I wanted to say something.
"Since 9-11, more people have died in Afghanistan and Iraq than in New York that day — and for not a very good reason. Yet, you are looked down upon in the U.S. if you recommend dialogue before military action. Our country was founded on the principle of free speech and I say to go ahead with war without openly discussing it is morally wrong and dangerous."
Born in New York City, Mortensen spent much of his youth in Argentina, Venezuela and Denmark. He made his film debut in "Witness" in 1985. Since then, he has alternated his time between the theater and films, often cast as a sleazy or morally ambiguous character in such films as "The Indian Runner" (1991), "Carlito's Way" (1993), "The Prophecy" (1995), "The Portrait of a Lady" (1996), "G.I. Jane" (1997) and "A Perfect Murder" (1998).
His recurring role, as the human warrior Aragorn, in the "Lord of the Rings" films, is his biggest break yet. All three films were shot back to back in New Zealand, and the third will be released in Japan early next year.
It was an awesome task at first, Mortensen recalled. "I feel like I had two directors — Tolkien and Peter Jackson," he said. "The book was my guide and it was a long and difficult shoot. But at least I got favorable reviews at home. My son said I didn't embarrass the family in any way."
For Urban, 30, who is unknown to movie audiences outside of New Zealand, the whole experience was like being in a fantasy world. "I got this phone call out of the blue one day from Peter Jackson asking me if I'd like to be in 'Lord of the Rings.' I have never worked on a film before where the entire crew were walking around with a copy of the book. Everyone, from the lighting and catering staff to the cast, had a copy of Tolkien's book. That's the passion and dedication we had on the set."
Sometimes that passion got the better of them, especially in the big battle scenes. With everyone swinging swords and axes, things got pretty rough. "I broke a tooth and a few other limbs," said Mortensen. "The shoot took several months and the more tired we got, the more risks we took. You slip, you fall, you get cuts and bruises. That's the price you pay when you want it to look real."
To hone their sword-fighting skills, the cast got some tips from a real movie pro — Bob Anderson, whose students go all the way back to Errol Flynn, a name Urban admitted with some embarrassment was unfamiliar to him. "Then Bob's assistant said to me, 'Well, you might know him as Darth Vader in the fight scenes in the 'Star Wars' movies," said Urban.

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21 éve 6 hónapja #103706 Írta: Narië
Narië válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Húú,indián vér....egyik kedvencem...Az a 3. kedvenc filmem tôle,közvetlenül a TGY mögött!Naon jól játszik,és kinézetileg meg hozza a szokásos formáját,sôt néha felül is múlja...


No more blood for oil!

Kérjük, hogy Bejelentkezés vagy vagy Fiók létrehozása, hogy csatlakozhass a beszélgetéshez!

21 éve 6 hónapja #103581 Írta: Saczy
Saczy válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)
Az Indián-vér....én még nem hallottam erről a filmről ,de ha Viggo játszik benne és helyes is benne akkor muszáj megnéznem!! :D :D

Elen síla lúmenn omentilelvo!

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21 éve 6 hónapja #103569 Írta: Sorel
Sorel válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

Múlt héten láttam az Indián Vér-t!!!!
Hát, nem semmi...
Minden V. rajongónak kötelező. V. itt mutatja meg a legtöbb "arcát". Láthatjátok meztelenül, részegen, verekedni, nevetni, sírni, táncolni....
És nagyon szép...

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21 éve 6 hónapja #103479 Írta: Augustíne
Augustíne válaszolt a következő témában: Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen)

kriszana írta: Jah, és nem tudom, hogy láttátok-e a Száguldás a semmibe c. filmjét (Vanishing Point)

Jah, és egyébként Viggo LEGTÖBB filmjét - sajnos nem mindet - meg lehet találni a Hollán Ernő utcai ODEON videotékában. (Többek között az Indián Vért, Séta a Holdon, Tökéletes Gyilkosság, 28 nap, Angyalok háborúja, Az utolsó esély) De mintha ezt már írtam volna...

Azt is Debrecenben láttuk, nem? Az jó volt... Mondjuk sztem a pálmát az Angyalok háborúja vitte:
"Szeretlek, szeretlek, szeretlek...jobban, mint Jézust!!! " :D 8)

Köszikösziköszi! Örök hálám! Az Indián vért már mióta + akartam nézni... :D Majd elmegyek!

ORLANDO 4ever!!!! :mrgreen:

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